Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lana Says....

I'm gonna be THIS MANY!!!

Yup, on Friday our girl turns one. Can you believe that?

I can.
And I can't.

See, it feels like the year just flew by. I blinked once and she was sitting up. I blinked again and she was crawling. I blinked twice really fast and now she pulls herself up to standing and holds on to the furniture as she cruises around. I'm afraid to blink again.

At the same time, I remember nights of holding her and rocking her and pleading with her to please, please, please sleep. I remember how the clock ticked backward as she screamed and screamed and screamed after getting her first shots. It also feels like she's just always been here, even though it really has only been a year.

I'm sure if I think back really hard I can remember what it was like before she got here. I can hazily recollect pre-Lana Dan and Shelle. I think they were a really cool couple. They went to movies often and tried out different restaurants. They slept in on the weekends. They went on walks together in the evenings. They weren't ever late for church.

Those people have been replaced. They're probably a little less fun, a lot more tired, yet filled with tremendously more joy. They happily traded spontaneous dates and lazy mornings for planning-the-day-around-the baby's-nap and making sure they were home by bedtime. Indeed, what a changed couple they have become.

We love you Lana Jean. Thanks for the most life-changing, challenging, frustrating, tiring, fulfilling, inspiring, motivating, laughter-filled year of our lives.
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1 comment:

AngMomof3 said...

I'll add toothpicks for your eyelids into the gift we wrapped up for little sweetie! Can't wait to celebrate!

It HAS gone fast. That part bites. Too fast.