Sunday, July 11, 2010

Growing things

It's summertime here on the Palouse. Green fields of wheat are starting to mature and turn yellow, lentil and pea fields are getting thicker, full of new growth, and things are growing nicely here at our place too.

First, there's the puppies. They'll be two weeks old on Tuesday and they're growing great.

See? Dan can barely hold three at once.

The puppies are getting more mobile and they're just now starting to open their eyes. I think this week will be an exciting one as they start moving around more. Roxy's been doing a good job too, even though it's got to be exhausting keeping up with nine hungry little mouths. (click on photo for larger view)

Remember a month or so ago when I wrote about our overly-ambitious garden? Well, here's the side-by-side, then-and-now picture. (again, click photo for larger view)

I'd say our garden has been growing beautifully. We've been eating lots of salads because we;ve had lettuce and spinach coming out our ears. Want some lettuce? Come on by. Please. We'll load you up with two different kinds, then you can eat lots of salad and feel healthy too. We've also got radishes to share if you're interested. Our beans and corn are growing well, as are the pumpkins and garlic. The squash seems to be a favorite of the local gophers, so we may or may not have squash this year.

Oh, and then I suppose there's this little growing thing too.

Growing more adorable everyday!
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