Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Nora went to Camp too!

Lest you think I've completely forgotten about my youngest daughter in all this summer camp madness, I should tell you that Nora got to go to camp too!

Pullman Parks and Rec (my new BFF) puts on a 1/2 day program for preschoolers. Miss Jean, the teacher, has been working with preschoolers since forever and everyone I talked to about this camp couldn't have given it a more glowing review had they tried. I wasn't sure how Nora would do around so many new people in an unfamiliar environment, but she did fine and I needn't have worried.

The camp was simply adorable! The first week was all about transportation and the kids got to ride their bikes and take a trip on a city bus. The next week was all about bugs and flowers. They also walked to the library for story time, did neat crafts, and sang songs and played games.

Lana loved Miss Jean and the helper teachers and definitely wants to go back. Because it's a 1/2 day program I had to piece together afternoon friends and family care, but it worked and I'm glad Nora got this wonderful experience.

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