Thursday, September 21, 2017

Lana's Marathon of Summer Camps, Part 3

Are you tired?
Because I'm tired. Thinking about (and writing about) all these camps reminds me of the whirlwind summer we had. Now that we're back to our regular school-year schedule, I can say I am a creature of habit and routine.

Here are camps 5 & 6:

Mega Sports Camp VBS
This vacation bible school is run by Resonate Church and is pretty stinkin' fantastic. Lots of great teaching, awesome counselors and a whole heap full of physical activity. The kids do so much running and playing and are exhausted by the end of the day. It's a 3-day program with a 9:00-3:00 schedule. The times aren't exactly working-parent friendly, but with the help of some awesome friends, we made it work. The fee ($20) is tough to beat.
(Sorry, no pictures from Mega Sports Camp.)

SkyHawks Cheer Camp
This was a program we found through Pullman Parks and Recreation. They offered about 1 million different camps over the summer and the Parks and Rec summer catalog became my best friend. This camp had the option of half-day (cheer only) or full-day (cheer and afternoon swimming). Lana went with full-day. This camp was also 9-3:00, but because it was located relatively near my workplace, I could run her down to the park and pick her up relatively easily. That arrangement wouldn't have worked all summer, but for that week it was fine.
Lana had a great time. She adored her coaches and had several friends in the program with her, but honestly her favorite part was swimming each afternoon. I don't think it sparked a desire to do competitive cheer or dance, but she sure had a lot of fun!

Go Skyhawks!

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