Friday, January 4, 2008

What a Year!

2007 was quite a year, wasn't it? I made this little photo collage on Picasa and it kind of sums up the year for me. I was excited for the births of little nieces, Sandy Fugal and Kenzie Louise Lenssen, the 50th anniversary celebration in Montana for my grandparents, Bob and Ree, visits to Utah and Las Vegas to see family and friends. There were also several dinner-and-a-movie dates with Dan, long phone calls with friends, miles and miles driven across the state, a diamond ring, a wedding, a husband and a new life together : ) There were grand adventures and hum-drum every-day life kind of days.
I'm sure 2008 will have even more in store for us. Who knows what all we'll have to reflect back on this time next year. This time last year, I would not have thought that half of the stuff we've gone through would have happened. I guess that's the way it goes. We try so hard to have our lives planned just so, but fortunately for us, God has better plans for us than we could ever imagine for ourselves.
Happy New Year everyone. I hope 2008 brings more than you ever thought possible!
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1 comment:

Leslie said...

Your photo collage is really cute! Sounds like you are enjoying your newlywed status!! Take care!